Registration of an interesting and unique way of treatment as audio neurocorrecting - treatment of songs and sound

Subject matter:

  • registration of an interesting and unique way of treatment as audio neurocorrecting - treatment of songs and sound.

 Problems with registration:

  • our client has decided to protect the method of influencing on the human body, based on the vibrations of sounds coming from the human voice, and gives the opportunity to heal physical illnesses, mental disorders and to adjust the spiritual apparatus of human nature through the singing of the sounds of nature, the natural forces of water, wind, fire, land;
  • this type of treatment is unique and rare - the complexity in determining the object;
  • incomprehensibility of the experts as a voice can be treated - inviting them to refine the method.

 Problem solving:

  • two methods of protection was proposed: the registration of an Utility Model "A method of audio correction of the functional state of a person" and the copyright registration of the work "Collection of musical works without a text "Song of love and unity; 1. Make advances of love; 2. Journey to the depths of the earth; 3. On the wings of the wind; 4. Blessings of the mother";
  • long-term correspondence with the examination department on the clarification of the method by the Utility Model;
  • preparation of an argue answers;
  • receiving a decision of registration.


  • obtaining of a Patent of Ukraine No. 86190;
  • obtaining of a Certificate of registration of copyright No. 45076;
  • active use by an applicant of registered treatment methods not only in Ukraine, but also abroad, through various seminars and lectures;
  • thousands of satisfied customers.